Beautiful Baby Basket#48

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Contains: Handknitted baby booties, Johnsons baby soap, Johnsons 200g baby talcum powder, 35g Johnsons Cotton Wool buds, Precious Baby wipes, Johnsons Baby Oil 125ml, Ungvita Vitamin A Cream, Johnsons baby lotion, 16cm soft toy presented in a basket and gift wrapped in cellophane with a big bow.
Please specify whether for a boy or girl on the order form.

Please Note: Item subject to availability. The basket and exact brands of products are not guaranteed and may vary depending on the availability on Market & the location of delivery. 

Substitution Policy:
To arrange and deliver your order at the day requested, the arrangement you ordered may require substitutions. Any substitutions made are equal or more in value and will be as similar to the requested item/arrangement as possible. Item/Arrangement(s) may be substituted without prior notice, if necessary.

Delivery Area: Anywhere in the Philippines.


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