9 Pc. Pink Carnations in Bouquet

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9 Pc. Pink Carnations in Bouquet

Is your special someone's birthday coming up?
Or maybe you just want to show them how much you care? Either way, our 9 Pcs Pink Carnations in Bouquet is the perfect way to do it!

This stunning bouquet, consisting of 9 pink carnations, is arranged by our expert florists and is sure to brighten up any occasion. So all you have to do is choose a delivery date and we'll take care of the rest!

Here's what you can expect with our 9 Pc. Pink Carnations in Bouquet:
- 9 pink carnations expertly arranged in a bouquet
- Beautifully arranged by our expert florist.
- Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or any other special occasion

Your purchase includes a complementary personalize greeting card message.


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